Today at the IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II Oncology Institute for the Site Initiation Visit (SIV) of the clinical trial on the analytical performance study of the handheld Single-Molecule with a Large Transistor (SiMoT) device for decentralized analysis of biological samples, conducted within the Regional Innovation Center in Single Molecule Digital Assay, supported by the Contract Research Organization (CRO) Aretè.
Participants included:
Luisa Torsi (Center President), Fabrizio Torricelli (Project Manager), Gennaro Cormio (Principal Investigator), Eleonora Macchia (Biostatistician), Anna Albano (Data Entry Manager), Chiara Falzarono (LCRA), Cristina Morelli (CEO Arete), Marco Cerbone (Co-PI), Mariapia Caputo (Data Manager), Lucia Sarcina (Outcome Assessor), Francesca Intranuovo and Cecilia Scandurra (Outcome Assessors), Angela Schiralli (Nurse).